Krait Index

Krait Index
Deadly Malayan krait in Thailand.
Malayan (Blue) Kraits found in Thailand. Common throughout its range. ©Vern Lovic



  1. Hello All

    For your information.

    Found a 115cm long banded krait dead on the road outside our house 6km SW of Chiangmai Rai. With its alternating yellow and black bands it looks beautiful.


  2. Hi, I am off to Thailand in the next week for the first time and just reading through the snakes on your website, I feel like heading over there in an armoured suit. What is the likelihood of running into one these snakes? I am going to Chalong, Phuket.



    1. You’ve got about zero chance if you’re not out at night in a forest looking for them. Nothing to worry about, really. Snakes are not easy to find, even when looking for them.

  3. I saw a banded Krait moving along a stream at the front of my friends house in Ron Philbun near Nakhon si thammerat I got a photo but don’t know how to upload it here.

  4. I am going to Phrae in January and February. Should I be worried about any snakes there and if so which ones? The information on this site is excellent.

    1. If sleeping in tents – yes, kraits. Don’t leave tent open. Don’t sleep on ground without a tent. Kraits kill as many people as monocled cobras in Thailand.



        1. ha! apparently, it could be. It was scary to watch that krait go right into the tent between the flaps.

  5. I saw someone posted a “krait” and “desert king snake” for sale on facebook but the guy got wrecked because its a puff-faced watersnake and common wolf snake … xD

  6. My daughter is going on a mission trip in Lots to work with elephants half of the time and in an orphanage the other half of the time—I am really worried…how likely is she to run into a poisonous snake—I think the place where they are staying is near the elephant rehabilitation area…

    1. Hi Heather,

      More likely at night. Make sure she uses a torch or headlamp and watches every step! That’s all I’d recommend. Not to sleep on ground or porch or floor either…

  7. Hi Vern,

    I live in the Khao Kho district of Phetchabun province. We are at 850 meters above sea level. I saw a red headed snake that looks just like the red headed krait you have on your site. I only saw the head and part of the body not the tail. Your info on the red headed krait says they are only found in low lands. Is it possible for one to be up here and if not is there another red headed snake that is a highland snake?


    1. Thanks Tony! I likely wrote that post many years ago because I was interested in that snake. I just went off what other snake hobbyists were saying. There must have been a book or two that said those kraits were in low-lying areas. I’ve found a couple at no elevation, and there was one recently found around 1200 meters elevation here in Krabi, so yes, they can be at some elevation. Cheers man

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