
- King Cobra – Ophiophagus hannah. Longest venomous snake in the world.
- Monocled Cobra – Naja kaouthia. The most common cobra in Thailand.
- Siamese Spitting Cobra – Naja siamensis
- Sumatran Spitting Cobra – Naja sumatrana
- Cobra Identification
Cobra Articles
- Cobra in Your Yard – What to do?
- King Cobra Bites – why so Deadly?
- Cobra Dinner – could you eat it?
- Cobra Video
- Monocled Cobra Bite Victim
- Are King Cobra Fangs Sharp?
- First-Aid – Cobra Venom in Eyes
- King Cobra Bite?
- King Cobra Book – History and Husbandry (Tom Charlton)
- King Cobra Conservation
- King Cobra Facts
- King Cobra Information
- King Cobra Research
- King Cobras on the Brain
- King Cobra Rescue
- Why NOT to Tease a King Cobra
- Cobra Gallery
- Cobra Identification
Hello. We would like to buy you a king cobra venom. Please tell me what price, and what minimum number of it. I would also like to know whether you make a delivery. Please answer me ASAP.
Hi Jenny,
Please look up the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute in Bangkok – they sell antivenin directly and you’ll get the latest batch.
Hi there, What a great site. Staying in Phuket June next year for a week. From New Zealand so no snakes. Have the utmost respect and fascination for them. Have spent time in Australia (Queensland) hiking and exploring the Noosa everglades and rain-forests coming across snakes in their natural environment.