
My name is Vern Lovic, I’m a snake enthusiast living in Southern Thailand. I’m interested in snakes, other reptiles, and many other wildlife species found in Thailand and across Asia. I enjoy taking photos and videos, but I don’t keep or sell snakes.

I just don’t believe in it. Never did. That doesn’t mean I don’t have friends that keep snakes – I do. I respect others’ beliefs about the subject, we’re all different!

I added some information here from a number of resources and a lot of my own personal experience.

Note – Some information found on the pages of will be outdated, and some will be incorrect. Every effort was made to ensure factual information, but as it happens the information contained on these pages is not without error. I am in good company though because I have not found any snake resource to be infallible. If you see something wrong – feel free to let me know so I can change it.

If you need a snake identified post your image or description to our public Facebook group here: Thailand Snakes.

EMAIL – If you want to talk to me about a snake project, herping field trip, eco-photography trip, using images, technical papers, or a visit to Thailand – and also for any EMERGENCY – you can write me at the email below.

I don’t answer snake Identification requests by email.


Vern L.


  1. I have snakes in my house and I don’t like them. I live near the beach in pattaya by green kind of area a lot of construction near us. Every day birds have been disapearing and I saw one on the balcony swollowing a bird and birds have been falling off trees. I was skate boarding in my house and my board went into the bush and I heard hising at me than ran and slitherd away there green and pretty small. I’m thinking its a bird pit viper but you could still get bit.

    1. Pit vipers are quick to bite yeah. I don’t know any that hiss. However, the Russell’s Viper hisses and you do NOT want to get by that deadly snake. Cheers man, Vern

  2. I do not succeed in downloading your eBook on my Windows PC and I am already registered.
    Can you help me with advice please?
    Sincere greetigns

    1. It doesn’t work for people using VPN sometimes. If you’re on that, use another computer to follow the link to download the book. I haven’t had anyone else other than VPN users tell me they couldn’t download the book. :) Good luck to you…

  3. Hi Vern, Thanks for responding regarding finding an editor for my book.

    It is a general book about travel. It’s not about sex in Thailand or anywhere else. It is a non-fiction book to motivate a person to travel, the mechanics of traveling cheaply and safely. I go into detail about diseases, drugs, things that can sting you, or worse that one may encounter. It is entitled: “Follow the Road that Awaits You. Your Extensive Guide to Intensive Travel”. It is my first book. I don’t expect tons of money to roll in from it but at 370 plus pages with no fluff or photos, I am hopeful that at least a few people will buy it. I probably will be finished writing it in about 2 weeks.

    Yes, please, I would like to contact her to see if she would be interested in editing it.

    Thanks Vern.

    Ken Anderson

    1. Wow, that’s a big book Ken, congrats on being able to persevere through writing that. Are you on Facebook at all? I think I’m at VJ Lovic. Not quite sure. lol. Let me know your facebook page and I’ll add you there. My sister is on there and can connect you with her there. If no fb, no worries. Can give her your email. Cheers man! Ok, wait here I am –

      1. Hi mate. Just bought a house with a lake on it in phan chiangrai. It has a large banded krait in it. Ive got a 1 month old baby and want the snake gone. U r welcome to take it asap. If your interesred. Cheers mate. Chris 0931830922.

        1. Wish I was closer… You can call the EMS guys and they’ll know someone who can come get it. They may kill it and eat it, or just kill it, but at least you won’t have to worry about it. I don’t know anyone up there into snakes… or I’d maybe be able to help.

  4. Hi Vern,
    Been reading this all morning, currently on Koh Mak, one of my favourite islands,, loved vid of Golden tree snake fighting with Gecks!.. I’ve a few nice photos of those while on my travels a few years ago..
    But I’ve a question for you, it was around 7 years ago and my first trip to Koh Mak, while riding my Scooter past the power plant between the plantations I nearly ran over an appx 4 feet long dirty grey almost black snake… I slowed down as I didn’t want to run over it and was only feet away as it disapeared into the heavy grass beside the plantation.. I’ve seen many Cobras out here, all in captivity and some caught in Isan.. I’ve been told no Cobras on this island but only by a farang.. Is it possible they inhabit Koh Mak.. Thanks for reading

  5. The width of the snake was around 3/4 fingers and spotted late afternoon. It didn’t attempt to strike as head was deep in grass as I past.. Hope this helps more.
    Mike on Koh Mak

  6. Vern…

    Lost my password for the all snakes login.
    How do I get another one. I’m down in


  7. Dear Team, of Thailand Snakes,
    Dear Vern,

    Thank you for your efforts and your work, I appreciate your work very much, it is very helpful. I will try to support and help you to become more recognized. Please check , you are posted there – usually we have a reach of 5-20.000 people from all over the world. I hope that many people can enjoy and value your work.

    Best regards
    Raimund Wagner
    Initiator and Manager of Volunt2Thai อาสาสมัครต่างชาติเรียนรู้วิถีชีวิตของเกษตรกรไทย NGO

  8. Impossible to download the e-book nor the pdf, I tried dozens of times again and again any possible combination. Just it doesn’t work. I have an iPhone. Is asking me to register, but I already registered months ago ! No link to download pdf. Any chance to get the pdf via email ? That would be great !

    1. Hi Francesco, Strange that you’re having a problem – we have had very few people say they could not get the download. What is asking you to register? Shouldn’t be anything. It’s an automatic process. You sign up. The email comes with a link for you to click to download. There isn’t anything that asks you over and over to sign up.

      If you have a VPN this process may not work. Turn it off, or better, use a different computer.

      There have been thousands of downloads and about 5 people who said they couldn’t get it.

      Will send to your email address anyway, I just typed this out so others will have a clue what to do if they cannot download it either.

      Cheers, Vern

  9. Hi Vern

    Last time I was in the western forest complex (Feb 15), I was walking down to a dryish river bed when I saw just the last few feet of a large snake disappear behind some boulders, next minute it came out from the other side of the boulders with head flattened and rising up in the air. Then, when the king cobra saw me it lowered back down and retreated as I did. I thought that maybe it was a female with eggs, as the body was quite fat right down to the tail.

    1. Wow. You’re sure it was a king then? It’s always amazing to see them. It’s like you just cannot believe your luck, right? Congrats!

  10. Strange you do not mention the beautiful green Whipsnake. I photographed one in my garden in Pattaya. (If interested in the photo, let me have your e-mail address)

    Best regards


  11. Nice website Vern!
    Should you need a nice drawing, you can always email me.
    Kind regards, Lineke

  12. Hi Vern, I did see your website and I want to ask you something and hope, that you can help me : I am living in Chiang Mai Sankamphaeng in a huge garden with many big ponds and waterbirds like swans, ducks, Ibis, peacocks, chicken a.s.o. The last 6-8 weeks 3 Ibis, 4 ducks disappeared and 2 black swans who where sitting on their eggs died next to the nest. We – my friends who owned this area – and me are thinking, that it is a big snake who did catch the animals and kill the 2 black swans in the night. Is it possible ? We don´t know what happen. The garden is fenced, so no dogs can come in and it is not possible, that people did take the birds. We never did find any feathers or other remains. If it is a snake, can you give me please an address and phone-no. for calling someone to help us to find the snake ? All happens in the night and we are completely helpless. All 3-5 days an animal disappears. Last night another duck goes missing. We are so sorry about all our nice animals and need really help to find out, what happens.
    My friends Dirk and Carlos and me we would be very thankful if you could help us.
    Kind regards Josefine

    1. Note – I responded to Josefine by email. I think it’s possibly a python, they do love fowl!

  13. Hi Vern, thanks for your newsletter. We corresponded last year about a Copper head racer I sent pictures of.
    I am a retired Audio Engineer from the international movie industry now living in Chiang mai. I like writing and photography as hobbies and in my working career often had to spend nights alone in forests around the world recording ambient and wildlife sounds for movies.
    During Crocodile Dundee II I recorded huge male salt water Crocs bellowing at each other one rather dark night. They are really scary because unlike snakes they are actually seeking to eat you if they can. It was a rare recording.
    Now I am too slow for that kind of adventure but if my skills or experience can be of assistance to you in some way please let me know. I enjoy your book and keep it handy at home.

    1. Thanks Gary – sounds like an amazing and yeah, scary, experience. I fear the Crocs! I will write you in a bit to see if you’re on Facebook. Thanks Gary!

  14. Vern. A truly excellent resource for those of us visiting Thailand with an unhealthy interest in all things scaley with fangs. I’m currently in Pattaya for a month escaping the depressing English winter. Although I’m no experienced herper, I have been out on my scooter looking for snakes. I have worn long trousers and stout boots. I made myself a snake stick which I use to move logs and piles of leaves. I headed out to various forested hills which surround Pattaya (within 20 of city). All the locals deny snakes exist anywhere near Pattaya but I know this to be false. In fact in 5 visits, I have found a number of snakes in these areas including a Monocled Cobra and a Malayan Pit Viper. I kept my distance from both. Ask any local where the SNAKES are and invariably they tell you that you need to travel long distances to find them – Absolute tripe. Although I’ve never seen a snake in Pattaya city, I do think they are likely to be present near deserted scrub within the city. Pity there aren’t any snakes on Pattaya Beach Road which could help control the rats which scuttle around here every night ammusing and shocking tourists. The thing is, if there were snakes here, the locals would likely kill and eat them including harmless snakes.

    1. Thanks Neil.

      I think there must be rat snakes there – they’d have to smell dinner running around. Elaphe radiata is difficult to find, they tend to stay under the cover of something. I’ll bet they are there. There must be monocled cobras too. I get requests every now and then from Pattaya to identify snakes found there. Get some photos and send them. Cheers man…

  15. Hey Vern,

    I too have a passion for reptiles, especially snakes. I have traveled to several states and countries to search for snakes. I bought property in Costa Rica in 2005, and operated a free snake removal service to the area. Sadly, I was deported (long story) Anyway, I am looking at Thailand. There is a youtube video of me releasing snakes. Snake relocation Playa Chiquita Costa Rica should get you there. Hope to meet in the near future. Be well,


    1. Hi Chris,

      Send me the link – or leave it here, no problem. I don’t usually go searching for stuff. Let me know if you make it to Thailand. It’s a great place for reptiles – as long as China hasn’t eaten them all. Cheers man

  16. how is life is going on, my name is hatim iv been to Thailand so many times but to be honest with you I spend all my vacation in phangyan island now I am getting old 34 years old to rave parties and planning to do something different ill be in Thailand southeast Thailand samui island how can I meet you guys and how can I organize a wild trip like your trip looking for king cobra?

  17. I am Dr lochand shastri from India I want to take field visit in next June. Please give me information for registration and payment.

  18. I am from Romania and i want to work by venomous snakes. Do you cant help me ?

    1. We don’t have any jobs or activities you could do. We had some volunteer options which are now filled. Maybe in 2017 we will offer that again.

  19. Hi
    I live in Chiang mai and it is a drought situation here, and many snakes are around, could they be looking for water. Would it help to leave water somewhere for them to keep them off the property.

    1. Not sure if it would help at all… if you were able to spray a near constant stream – yes, would help. If you fill a bucket… not so sure. Cheers!

  20. Hi Vern, just found your site. I discovered a small light brown coloured snake about 30cm long in my garden in Koh Samui this morning but I can’t find a picture of it on any of the sites. How can I get a pic to you so you can identify it? cheers Kapoor

  21. Vern, do you have PayPal acct. so I can donate to your friend?

  22. Who can handle a snake in Chiang Mai?
    My daughter saw a 70cm long green snake in my house. We can’t find it.
    What should I do?


    1. Either search for it, or pay some of the ambulance personnel to come in your house and search for it. Could be a viper, that fits the description. If you remember the snake, get our free ebook or buy one of our other books and identify it. Cheers!

  23. Hi Vern,
    Good Afternoon from Malaysia.
    I am a Zoology student from University Malaysia Sarawak. I really like your work in studying about snakes. I will graduate a Bachelor’s degree in Animals Science and Resources in 2018. One of my goals is to do research about amphibians and reptiles especially snakes and publish my own research or books. I will have to take part in internship program starting from June 2017 to August 2017 (3 months). What do i have to do to apply internship at your place regarding my personal details such as resume or cover letter? Or do i need to fill in the form you provided? And can i have your email to attach some files that you want me to send?
    I am so excited to start my internship at your place as this is my beginning before start doing my research for my final year project. I hope i will learn a lot of things about snakes species that you have there and continue my master and PhD about reptiles.
    Please reply this message at anytime you are free :)

    p/s: I am sorry if the request is inappropriate to write here, I could not find your personal email.

  24. I previously commented I had seen a banded kraut in Northern Thailand near Ban Muang in Salon Nakhon province. I mistakenly said it was 275 cm long. Should have said 75 cm or about 2.5 feet long.

  25. Do we earn any qualifications doing this field trip at all?

    1. I’m not aware of any qualifications in the hobby for field herping. Which qualification were you looking for?

  26. Hello
    Iam on holiday at Koh Lipe right now, do you know what kind of snakes are living on this island? I know here is reticle pythons.
    Kind regards Lennie

    1. A lot. I don’t have a species list for the island. Maybe you can make one?

  27. I am Stephen, from Africa, Zambia. Here we have serious snakes, very vicious and highly poisonous. We even have the notorious crowing crested cobra which science denies it exists and says it’s a myth. We have it here. It is the largest and longest venomous snake, some attaining a length close to 20 meters. If you are really a snake enthusiaste come to Zambia. I will personally take you to areas unexplored by science and show you live the king of snakes the crowing crested serpent. It’s territorial. I will take you to it’s marked territory but you dont have to enter or get too close. If you do it will be to your peril. In the night you can hear it crowing like a cockereal. It’s a marvel. One man who had close encounter with it was so frightened with it’s sight such that he fainted.

    1. FFS… a 20 meter snake, right? Well, mankind has killed dinosaurs, lions, tigers, polar bears, sharks, and everything else that was once a threat to us. Surely it wouldn’t take more than 20 brave men from Zambia to go root that sucker out and make a trophy of it. You’d put Zambia on the map, that’s for sure.

  28. Hi Vern,

    Was reading your website today and I believe I read on your site about the young man in Austin TX died from a monocled cobra bite. I lived in Dallas when that happened. Sadly it was a suicide. The snake was found dead not too far away having been run over by a vehicle.

    Regards from Colorado

  29. I live in Pennsylvania. A few years ago these 3 idiots were consuming a lot of beer at one of there residences where one of them had a cobra as a pet in an enclosure. The more beer they drank the more stupid they became from simply flicking on the glass to opening the top and teasing this deadly animal. Sure enough one got struck by the snake, so what do they do? They go out to the neighborhood tavern for more beer. While in the bar, the individual starts foaming at the mouth so they take him out to the car and place him there while they go back in the bar. When they return to the car they have discovered he has succumbed to his bite. What are the chances of being killed by a cobra bite in Pennsylvania ? LOL

  30. Vern, have come across your website, was identifying a snake in the garden.
    Very good and useful information.
    I live just south of Surat as well.

    1. Ban Na San? Rambutan capital of Thailand by any chance? I had some rambutans from there one year that just blew my mind. Still can’t forget them!

  31. Hi Vern, can you identify this little beauty seen in southern Thailand last night?

  32. Hi Vern. I’m not sure if you’re still active, as much of the site has old dates on it, but I discovered the site this morning and have spent the past hour really enjoying your content. I live in the Soi Watcharapol area of Bangkok, and our house backs onto land owned by the Khet and officially designated as a klong, though it’s more a big lake or swamp with a lot of water hens, monitor lizards (which climb the back fence to eat the fish in our large pond), and of course many snakes.

    We’ve moved a couple of pythons back over the fence, had to kill a krait that came after me (it was me or him!), and we have a lot of whip snakes, golden tree snakes, and the occasional krait and cobra. I thought you might like these pics I’ve taken over the past few years:

    1. a whip snake doing its best to swallow a jingjok,
    2. another dark green snake who managed to drag a baby monitor lizard off a tree and spent a whole day swallowing it,
    3. one of our yaams (guards) who came and caught a very long striped snake (not sure what that was),
    4. and the other pic of two jingjoks shagging – note the “grin” on one of them.

    I hope the pics uploaded OK – I don’t see any note on the screen that you have them. If not, email me and I’ll be happy to send them again.

    Anyway, thanks for a great and interesting website. You’ve done good.

  33. Hi, Living in Thailand for 14 years, so once in a while I have to come and check out your website for information. very useful ! Thanks.

    This is the 4th baby cobra (monocled) that we find near our building in Bangkok. What can we do?

    (attached photos)

    1. You must have a steady food supply. Figure out what it is and put an end to that and the cobras will stop coming. At least they’ll slow it down. :P

  34. Of interest ?? Had a spectacled cobra in the yard (Lamphun) 80 cm long 2.5 cm dia. distinct loud hissing flared the hood but did not spit over lengthy daytime encounter ?? unfortunately dead so good ident. (kids & dogs here) on markings

  35. hi,good morning

    how can i download your pdf book common venomous and non venomous snakes of thailand??

    shop don`t work

    may be ,you could send it by e-mail?

    many thanks


  36. Hi Vern,

    Great work, I downloaded your free e-book a few weeks ago and it helped me to identify a King Cobra that came into my house in Prachuap Khirikhan last week. It was a 4m male that came in to get out of the rain. An amazing animal, showing no aggression towards me or my dog, just had a quick tour and then curled up in a corner. He was safely removed and relocated by a very patient and professional Thai fireman (I have some video footage if you would like to see it). Im interested in buying your recent book but unclear on how to proceed? Please advise and keep up the excellent and informative work!

    1. WOW. Not everyone gets to see one close up. Glad your dog didn’t have a problem with it either! Sure, send some video or give me a link where to find it. Always like to see them. Contact me with email found on the lower side of this page – Cheers!

  37. Hello Vern,

    I have twice tried to send you the receipt for purchase of your ebook (130 Baht) and both times the email comes back as undeliverable. I am sending to Anyway, please try to send the PDF.

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