ViperKeeper Visits Thailand and Stays at our House!

ViperKeeper Visits Thailand and Stays at our House!

I thought I had written something up months after Al Coritz visited, but there it was still sitting in my drafts folder!

Al Coritz, aka ViperKeeper from his well known YouTube channel came to visit us in Krabi Thailand. I’d been asking him for a couple of years prior to come by if he ever had the chance. A conference on the nearby island of Phuket gave him the excuse and he took a boat from Phuket over to Nopphara Thara Beach where I met him to take him back to Krabi Town.

It was the end of May and we were having quite a bit of rain already. The problem was, it was still cool. Constant, daily rain that often stretched into the night made things difficult sometimes. I think we were rained on every night we went out.

To compound the environmental factors, there was a massive tree stretched across the road where we wanted to herp and we had to park and walk up a fairly steep section. We only really saw about 25% of the area.

Al was a real trooper though and we plodded up that hill nightly to find snakes. I can’t recall what all we found, as it’s been a couple of years now, but I do remember a few.

Some of Al’s Snakes

  • Malayan Krait
  • Brown-spotted Pit Viper
  • Malayan Pit Viper
  • Small-spotted Coral
  • Mangrove Cat Snake
  • Laotian Wolf Snake
  • Mangrove Pit Viper
  • Bronzeback (dendrelaphis sp.)
  • Whip Snakes

Though it was Al’s first trip to Thailand, I have to think that I had as good or better time than he did. Just talking to him in the morning over breakfast was really the first of many highlights throughout the day. Al’s knowledge of venom and snakebite was the most fascinating topic of conversation for me.

If you have a chance to invite Al to your neck of the woods – you won’t be disappointed if he takes you up on it!

Thanks Al for a great experience! Hope to visit you at the Lair sometime!

Thailand Adventure | Al’s Edited Video of His Adventure

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