Venomous Snakebites Book (PDF)

Venomous Snakebites Book (PDF)

Below you can order “Venomous Snakebites and Near Misses” in PDF format. This book is filled with stories about venomous snakes biting or nearly biting people. Some people are world-famous reptile keepers. Others are school teachers who saw a snake on the street and wanted to keep others safe.
Included are my own stories of dumbassery where I was very nearly tagged by something venomous, and occasionally something deadly.
Every book that is sold helps to support Thailand Snakes. We’ve been going for over a decade. We’ve given you hundreds of pages of snake info to help you learn about them. We’ve given you free snake identification services for over 10 years.
If you can, please show your support and purchase a $4 PDF book at least. Every bit helps, and we’ve certainly had a rough time of getting support in the past. Many thanks for anything you can do!
Buy the book in PDF FORMAT here for just $4
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